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Lessons Learned: Volunteer Recruitment and Training Tips


I don’t sing well enough to lead singing. I never could play guitar and sing with kids at the same time. My tortured instrumental teachers and generous musical friends identify my piano and guitar skills as “rudimentary.” This lack of musical skills might have killed my hope to serve as a Director of Christian Education. But thank God for always providing musicians in the churches where I served. Thank you, Verna, Judy, Luther, Londa, Spencer, Norma, Kathy, and other volunteers who stepped in to share your musical gifts!

As a side benefit, my gaping lack of musical ability allowed others to serve, and let me work at tasks better suited to my abilities. In this way, God brought His people together to accomplish His mission of teaching about Jesus in our churches and communities.

But how do we find people to work in specific areas? The question becomes urgent this time of year when many recruit volunteers for Sunday School and other educational programs.

Most church leaders admit that they struggle to recruit and train volunteers. Uncomfortable and unsure, some even procrastinate and exacerbate the problem. I did. How about you?

Try these tips for improved recruitment success and greater volunteer satisfaction.

Once recruited, your volunteers need orientation, training, and ongoing support. Try these field-tested ideas to help your volunteers thrive.

May God richly bless His Church with a variety of talents and abilities. May He guide your volunteer recruitment and energize you to share the Gospel of Christ with joy!