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Three Fresh Ideas for Easter


We all have our tried and true Easter activities. Are you ready to make a switch from the familiar egg hunts, Easter breakfast, and resurrection egg stations?  Here are a three ideas to use for your children’s or family events.

1. Easter Cross Crystals Experiment

Why not incorporate a little science into the event with a fun crystal science experiment? This activity is easy to prep for and do.

You will need:

  1. Pipe Cleaners
  2. Borax
  3. Boiling water
  4. Jars or cups (one per child; you will give these to the kids to take home)
  5. Food coloring (optional; it will add different hues to the crystals)
  6. Pencils
  7. String
  8. Paper with directions (one per child)

2. New Life Grow Pots

Give your kids a project to help them experience new life and growth.

Prior to your event, gather:

For the activity, start by having kids decorate a flower pot with stickers and markers. Then either fill the decorated pots or sealable storage bags with soil, or provide bags pre-filled with soil. Allow kids to choose the kind of flower or plant they wish to grow from an assortment of seed packets, or seeds you have placed in a small bag.

For your children’s message, start by reading 2 Corinthians 5:17. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Ask kids, what will happen to the seeds they plant? Plants will grow. Ask, how long it will take for the seeds to grow? Read the directions on a few of the seed packets. Provide printed copies of the prayer below, and ask the kids to pray this prayer each time they water their pots and watch as the seeds grow into wonderful plants!

Dear God,

You make all things! Thank you for making this plant grow. As I watch it grow, please help me to trust in You and grow in faith as I hear your Word.  I love you God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Check in with the kids at Pentecost and ask them to bring and share photos of the plants they are growing. Remind them of the verse you read at your event. Ask them how God helps the plant grow, and how He helps us grow in faith. We are His new creation and He lovingly guides and cares for us each day!

 3. Spring Clean Up Sale

One incredible way to reach out into your community is to host a garage sale on the Saturday of Palm Sunday weekend. Gather gently used items from among your congregation and host a huge sale at your church or in a community space. Before the sale, partner with a local agency or local non-profit and designate that all proceeds will benefit their agency.

The morning of the sale, have tables of donuts and coffee to hand out to shoppers, and invite them to join you for worship all through Holy Week. Organize your sale in a thoughtful way to maximize sales and outreach opportunities.

After you complete your sale, present a check to the local group. Be sure to take a lot of photos to share in newsletters, on your church website, and social media. What a neat way to build meaningful bridges in your community while also inviting people to join you in celebrating the joy of Easter. Plus, everyone likes to get a few boxes and bags out of their garages!

Have a blessed Easter!

Looking for more ideas and activities for Easter? You can download object lessons and craft ideas here [1].