Why is Baptism So Important?

As Lutherans baptize infants, it’s possible that children could pass their entire childhood before learning God’s truth about baptism during confirmation instruction. We teach God’s Word regarding baptism for the same reasons we baptize: 1) God commands that we do; 2) We need it. Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all … Continue Reading

Ending on Purpose

I don’t know about you, but this particular season of the ministry year is kind of weird for me. Recently we mailed out Ministry Letters of Intent to all of our Small Group Leaders (SGLs) and volunteers. These letters allow them to each think and pray over where God is guiding them in His ministry … Continue Reading

Free Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

Father’s Day is fast approaching! Here are three fun activities from DADventures: Activities for Dads to Lead. Use these ideas to celebrate the dads, granddads, and other male role models in your church. Popsicle-Stick Flingers Materials: Five popsicle sticks or tongue depressors for each person. Description: Demonstrate how to make the flinger using this short video. … Continue Reading