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Thanking God for Preschool Leaders!

Preschool Art

Consider the scene: Goldfish crackers, a tub of largely mismatched (read: broken) crayons, a half-used container of partially dried hand wipes, and the unmistakable smell of something vaguely sour. . . . Do you see it? What kind of space am I describing? No, NOT Pastor’s office! I’m talking about the preschool room of Sunday school kiddos at your church!

This space might be a bit messy, but what it lacks in order and cleanliness, it makes up for in creativity and imagination! These first few years of a child’s life are rife with more change and developmental transition than almost any other time. The world itself—to a preschooler—is an unstable and scary place! Changes we have long grown accustomed to are earth-shattering events in these young lives. Thank God for the adults who volunteer every week in the preschool Sunday School classroom and guide children through this phase of life!

When adults commit to being with these precious little souls each Sunday morning, they do way more than babysit children. They are shaping first impressions of God—more than sharing impactful and exciting stories of burning bushes and floating arks, these adults cultivate a space that gives stability and imparts safety to hearts yearning for it.

Adults committed to showing up week after week are helping to bring familiarity and fun to a place where families come to be fed and cleansed and shaped by the Gospel—and we thank God for them because without them, many of these families would likely choose to not join us.

How can you thank preschool volunteers this Thanksgiving season? Here are a few simple ideas:

We know none of our volunteers is doing it for the thanks they might receive! However, the ministry they are a part of is HUGE, and what a cool blessing it is to gather as the community of God and celebrate the work God does through His people. Regular and honest affirmation is a big part of our walk with Jesus, so I hope you will take a little time to thank those who serve with you!

I would LOVE to see your ideas in the comments of thoughtful and creative ways you bless those who walk beside you in ministry weekly.