Teaching the Catechism for Grades 1-4

Teaching Luther’s Small Catechism to Your Elementary Students Oh, the joys of teaching first through fourth grade. Your students are old enough to do their own work and take their learning to a deeper level. They are becoming increasingly independent, but still try their best to please you. They are becoming more outgoing and focused … Continue Reading

How to Mix-and-Match Sunday School

Do you remember the popular clothing line, Garanimals®? This innovative children’s clothing company designed their clothes in a way that would help children learn to dress themselves with shirts and pants that match. With a variety of matching tops and bottoms in a set, children could pick from their wardrobe without parents worrying that they … Continue Reading

How to Use Cross Explorations in Sunday School (and Beyond)

Sunday morning will be here before you know it, and that means you’ve got to find a way to engage your students. Teaching your children the Word of God and sharing the Gospel with them is undoubtedly your goal. Yet, some sort of crafts, games, and activities need to be incorporated, lest your students decide … Continue Reading