Ministry to Your Volunteers (Part 2)

Happy summer! We are again looking at ways to encourage and support your Sunday School and children’s ministry volunteers.  Hopefully, you’ve started the plan to connect with your volunteers, and have already begun to remember them in your prayers. This post will include a few more ideas you can use to help your volunteers! These are tried and true, and … Continue Reading

Teaching Jesus from the Old Testament

Where Is Jesus before Matthew’s Gospel? One of the greatest challenges teachers face is to present Jesus Christ from the Old Testament. Our Savior’s presence, role, and activity are apparent and accessible in the New Testament, beginning with Matthew’s Gospel, continuing in Paul’s letters, and through Revelation. As a result, we tend to underutilize the … Continue Reading

Bringing Your Passions into Your Classroom

We all have different passions for different things in life. Chances are that you, a Sunday School teacher, didn’t always expect to be leading a class. In other words, teaching Sunday School hasn’t always been one of your passions. First off, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your contribution. You have a … Continue Reading

Foundations in Faith: The Ten Commandments

This summer many congregations will be taking a closer look at God’s Word and the Ten Commandments as they explore Fear, Love & Trust: Following God’s Commandments. Students will be exploring a variety of Bible accounts that reinforce and connect with the Ten Commandments. Unlike other quarters of Growing in Christ® and Cross Explorations® Sunday … Continue Reading

Family Devotion Time: What Is Pentecost?

It’s time for Pentecost! Pente-what? Spend family time this week to learn about this special day in the Church Year. Remember Ascension Day? When Jesus left, He told everyone (including us) that He would be present always. Before He left earth, Jesus also said that He would send a Helper. And what a Helper! Pentecost … Continue Reading

Memorial Day Activities & Craft

What comes to mind when you think of Memorial Day? A day off work? The weekend when the pool is opened? People selling poppies in front of stores? If you polled some of the children you know, what would they say? Maybe it’s time to do some intentional teaching about this holiday and why we … Continue Reading

The Back-Up Box . . . or Bag

Didn’t our mothers all teach us that we always need a back-up plan? “If the car breaks down, what’s your back-up plan?” “If you don’t get accepted to your dream college, what’s your back-up plan?” “If that job doesn’t pan out, what’s your back-up plan?” Once I became a real grown-up with a classroom and … Continue Reading

3 Reasons Why “The Sunday School Answer” Is Still the Best

What is the “Sunday School Answer”? There’s an old joke that the correct answer to any question asked by a Sunday School teacher is Jesus. Who loves you? Jesus! Why does this story matter? Jesus! Who drove you to church this morning? Well, maybe not that one. Among many of us, it’s an old trope. … Continue Reading

Journey with Jesus: Lenten Puzzle

Hey, Sunday School teachers! Use this fun puzzle, found in the link below, with your elementary and middle school students to help reinforce the journey Jesus took from the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross during Lent. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate the puzzle into your Sunday School lesson. Make it a … Continue Reading

Answering Tough Questions with “Why?”

“Why?” Any parent has certainly heard this question over and over from their child. It’s a good question, to be sure. Repeated over and over again, however, it can get on our nerves. What about with Sunday School? When you’re teaching, do your learners ask “why?” Sometimes you have a good answer, other times you … Continue Reading