Why is Baptism So Important?

As Lutherans baptize infants, it’s possible that children could pass their entire childhood before learning God’s truth about baptism during confirmation instruction. We teach God’s Word regarding baptism for the same reasons we baptize: 1) God commands that we do; 2) We need it. Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all … Continue Reading

Building Faith Traditions: Baptism Birthdays (Part 2)

Welcome back! In the first part of this blog post, I gave you six ideas on traditions you can start at home or in your Sunday School to help celebrate baptismal birthdays. Are you ready for even more? Here are some more great ideas to celebrate Baptism birthdays! As you look at the pictures of … Continue Reading

Building Faith Traditions: Baptism Birthdays (Part 1)

Think about your own Christmas celebration this past year. What comes to mind for you? Maybe it was the delight of watching your kids or grandkids excitedly unwrapping the gifts you got them! Perhaps it was the joy you experienced attending a special Christmas concert or worshiping in church on Christmas Eve. Whatever it was, … Continue Reading