Thanking God for Preschool Leaders!

Consider the scene: Goldfish crackers, a tub of largely mismatched (read: broken) crayons, a half-used container of partially dried hand wipes, and the unmistakable smell of something vaguely sour. . . . Do you see it? What kind of space am I describing? No, NOT Pastor’s office! I’m talking about the preschool room of Sunday school kiddos at … Continue Reading

Sharing the powerful lessons of Joseph and His Brothers

The account of Joseph and his brothers includes some powerful lessons that not only express God righteous will for daily living, but also can be connected to Jesus Christ and His work for our redemption. For this post, I will take each of the portions in turn, highlighting salient points and offering practical ideas. Joseph … Continue Reading

Ending on Purpose

I don’t know about you, but this particular season of the ministry year is kind of weird for me. Recently we mailed out Ministry Letters of Intent to all of our Small Group Leaders (SGLs) and volunteers. These letters allow them to each think and pray over where God is guiding them in His ministry … Continue Reading

Free Faith-Filled Father’s Day Activities

Father’s Day is fast approaching! Here are three fun activities from DADventures: Activities for Dads to Lead. Use these ideas to celebrate the dads, granddads, and other male role models in your church. Popsicle-Stick Flingers Materials: Five popsicle sticks or tongue depressors for each person. Description: Demonstrate how to make the flinger using this short video. … Continue Reading

The Why of Children’s Ministry

Have you ever heard the expression, the days are long but the years are short? If you are a leader or volunteer in children’s ministry, you can relate to the truthfulness of this expression. I can vividly remember a young boy named Kevin, who was always moving as though he had a battery pack of endless energy.  … Continue Reading

Moms, Can You Laugh at the Future?

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.” (Proverbs 31:25) There was a time when my clothing didn’t look very dignified to others. With a toddler and newborn in tow, spit up often adorned my shirt, and there were times I couldn’t even remember the last time I showered. No … Continue Reading

Our Identity in Christ

Take a look in your wallet. If you are like me, you likely have at least a few cards that identify you. Maybe you have a Costco card with a grainy, slightly out of focus photo that you might not have been ready to take. This card is important. It allows you entry into a … Continue Reading

Recognizing Children’s Ministry Volunteers

Before you can effectively recognize your children’s ministry volunteers, it’s a good idea to ask, Why do people choose to volunteer for children’s ministry? What motivates them to serve in the first place? Small gifts are nice, and the occasional “thank-you” is appreciated, but children’s ministry volunteers really want to know they are serving God and … Continue Reading

Encouraging and Involving Parents

Parenting is tough work. It is a demanding vocation when there are two committed, Christian parents in the home. It is ever harder when there are any of the all-too-common complications—single parents, joint custody, to name a few—and the reality of sin and the temptation of the devil and the world. In short, most parents … Continue Reading

Three Fresh Ideas for Easter

We all have our tried and true Easter activities. Are you ready to make a switch from the familiar egg hunts, Easter breakfast, and resurrection egg stations?  Here are a three ideas to use for your children’s or family events. 1. Easter Cross Crystals Experiment Why not incorporate a little science into the event with … Continue Reading